- C.P. of India (Marxist)
- C.P. of India
Presentation -- Bohemia and Moravia
Intervention of Jaromir Kohlicek, Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia
Dear Comrades!
First, let me to communicate to you greetings from United left group from from the European Parliament. We are not too strong in this period – just 35 from total 736. Many thanks to both Communist parties of India for the organisation of this meeting.
Let me to comemorate the late Czech conservative government. It was overthrown during the czech presidency of the European Union and we, the czech communists, contributed to it.
After these remarks, let me concentate to the matter, we are treating. Recent development of the world economy is influenced by a steep growth of bifurgation between income of ninety percent of the population and year by year smaller group of big proprietors and top managers. In the 70´s typical ratio of income management to workers was twenty to one. In the 70´s values traded in different stock exchange schemes were not more than two to three times more than values of outstanding real values available.
Since then not only total destruction of “Real socialism“ in Europe, left wing revolutions in Latin America and a rapid growth of several big Asian economies occured. A huge wave of liberalism in the 90´s started devastation of European social model together with destruction of social state in Central and East European states. A huge experiment consisting in total privatisation of industry accompanied by destruction of agricultural and food sector in these countries was paralelled by two pricipal patterns. The first one is quick growth of management to workers income unequality. From one to twenty the ratio of incomes at the beginning of twenty first century passed over one to two hundred mark.
The amount of values traded in the market nominally grew in the USA to approximatelly more then ten times higher value then real estate and ware available. In western Europe the difference was also very steep. Approximately one to six. Periodical capitalist crises were in last twenty years solved by huge ammount of money especially in the form of low price loans pumped into economy of the most developped states. This situation deepened critical problems in the world economy and demonstrated that liberal approach can no more solve rising problems. Quick rise of unemployed people number and rapidly sinking turnover of international exchange of the goods indicates great economic crisis, actual capitalist system cannot solve.
It is time to say clearly that only social aspect and socialit prospective can stabilize the situation. Up to now majority of anticrisis measures consisted in huge ammount of money offered by national governements to nearly bankrupted financial sector and some selected measures supporting in the majority of cases just car industry. Some of the countries were approaching to state bankrupt for instance Hungary, Lithuania and Iceland. Nearly all European Union countries will be unable to fulfill economic criteria of financial stability this year. Many of the governments are still unable to understand that the solution doesn´t consist in flat tax. This approach created for high income part of population possibility to further increase their profit generated from state policy and the positive result for the state economy is negligible.
To the contrary, if a government raises income of the low income part of the population, economy starts to grow. Multimillionnaire, who, due to anticrisis measures of the government gains instead of two millions three millions dollars, won´t consume more. On the other side the growth of minimum salary by only several dollars will immediatelly cause growth in consumption and hence moves the economy. Top income groups have to contribute to the national budgets mouch more than low income people. If governments in the majority of states are unable to accept these facts, it is time to change them. Economy oriented to the social sector, supporting schooling system development and prefering science and research. This is the solution. But it requires instead of star wars, wars against terorism and rogue states to concentrate efforts to peace and disarmament.
Just have a look on the most vulnerable states. They are producing mostly tertiary sector „products“ and primary and secondary sector has been suppressed.
Conclusion: The time of change has just come. Let us act together. It is the left wing movement that can rescue this world. The socialist prospective is approaching. What are the measures, we propose to undertake in the present situation?
1]Close cooperation of the left wing parties
2] No flat tax - progresive taxation
3] No limits for social and health security
4] Introduction hot capital tax – so called Tobin tax and elimination of tax paradises
5] Instead of world war against terorism to agree general disarmament and peace settlement of the world problems. No foreign military bases.
6] Reinforcin regional political and economic cooperation
7] Instead of the World bank and World trade organisation liberal concepts let us promote fair international economic cooperation
8] Let us strongly oppose anticommunism i.a. by presentation of our sophisticated and clear proposals on any level of parliamentary bodies
9] Last but not least – let us reinforce the cooperation with youth women and trade unionist organisations